KUʻE Action 2


Help lobby the “State of Hawaii” legislature to pass a resolution so every January 17th, only the flag of the Hawaiian Kingdom is RAISED over “State” buildings, as an annual reminder of the illegal takeover of the Hawaiian Kingdom.


For 5 days in 1993 the Hawaiian Kingdom flag was flown solo (without the U.S. flag) over state buildings to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the illegal seizure of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Hawaiian patriots are proposing that this be done one day a year, on January 17, until the Kingdom is restored.


Based on the precedence set in 1993, the state is fully capable of ordering this action be implemented. 


• Sign up here if you want to support this resolution. Weʻll email updates so you can track it. Weʻll also be updating this page

  1. When the resolution is finalized, it will be posted so you can read it.

  1. Weʻll let you know of the resolutionʻs progress and when the hearing dates are scheduled.

• When the time comes, go to the legislature to give your testimony

HEARINGS: A series of public hearings will be scheduled by various committees. So there will be several opportunities for you to testify.

TESTIMONY: Meanwhile get your testimonies ready. Don’t wait until the last minute. The testimony does not have to be lengthy, just sincerely urging the legislators to pass the resolution. Weʻll provide info on submitting your testimony online.

LOBBY: Talk to legislators. Hold informational briefings. Show up to testify at legislative hearings on the resolution. Write letters to the editor, op-ed pieces, use the internet, media and every available means to get the word out.


1.If the state felt it was important to fly only the Hawaiian flag for five days on the 100th anniversary of an infamous, criminal action, surely it would be still fitting after 20 years, to fly Hae Hawaiʻi solo for one day out of 365 to commemorate the sad, still unresolved offense of 1893.

2.For one day a year, the Hawaiian flag is not to be placed subservient to the United States flag an acknowledgement we are still a proud sovereign nation.

3.The flag of the State of Hawaii is still the flag of the Hawaiian Kingdom.


In 1992 as Hawaiians were planning the Onipaʻa observances, the state of Hawaii adopted measures acknowledging the injustice of the ʻoverthrow.ʻ Gov. John Waiheʻe, the stateʻs only Native Hawaiian governor, declared that for five days, only the Hawaiian national flag was to be flown over all state buildings. And so it was done.

Palani Vaughan, who was part of the Waiheʻe administration, recently posed the question, why donʻt we encourage the state to continue with this very simple, kuʻe action? It would be an ongoing symbol of Onipaʻa.

Flying the Hawaiian Flag